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Gemini Pro vs GPT-4o Mini (Which is Better in 2024?)

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Comparative Analysis: Gemini Pro vs. GPT-4o Mini


Gemini Pro was released 7 months before GPT-4o Mini.
Gemini ProGemini Pro
GPT-4o MiniGPT-4o Mini
Model Provider
The organization behind this AI's development
Google logoGoogle
OpenAI logoOpenAI
Input Context Window
Maximum input tokens this model can process at once
Output Token Limit
Maximum output tokens this model can generate at once
Release Date
When this model first became publicly available
December 13th, 2023
July 18th, 2024


Gemini ProGemini Pro
GPT-4o MiniGPT-4o Mini
Input Token Cost
Cost per million tokens fed into the model
Not specified
per million tokens
Output Token Cost
Cost per million tokens generated by the model
Not specified
per million tokens


Compare relevant benchmarks between Gemini Pro and GPT-4o Mini.
Gemini ProGemini Pro
GPT-4o MiniGPT-4o Mini
Measures model's ability to answer questions across various domains
Evaluates model's performance across diverse tasks and data types
Assesses the model's ability to understand everyday scenarios
Benchmark not available.
Benchmark not available.
Google logoGemini Pro, developed by Google, features a context window (the maximum amount of text the model can consider at once) of 32.8K tokens (individual units of text or subwords). It was made publicly available on December 13th, 2023. It has achieved impressive scores in benchmarks (standardized tests for AI models) like MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding, a test of general knowledge) with a score of 71.8 in a 5-shot scenario (a specific testing condition).
GPT-4o Mini, developed by OpenAI, features a context window (the maximum amount of text the model can consider at once) of 128.0K tokens (individual units of text or subwords). The model costs $0.15 per million tokens for input (text fed into the model) and $0.60 per million tokens for output (text generated by the model). It was made publicly available on July 18th, 2024. It has achieved impressive scores in benchmarks (standardized tests for AI models) like MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding, a test of general knowledge) with a score of 82.0 in a 5-shot scenario (a specific testing condition).OpenAI logo

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